Saturday, January 7, 2012

We're home

This morning Allen brought the dogs to the house as I packed more up at the rental house and shortly followed.

When we got there, he was waiting outside. He grabbed my hand and said, "let's do this right". He picked me up and carried me over the threshold of our new home *swoon*.

To make a wonderful moment even better he told me to take Juliet upstairs and look around. When I came upstairs, this is what I saw.

The vintage chair I had been wanting from a local thrift store. I had been eyeing it for weeks hoping no one else would buy it. Yesterday while he was out, he secretly bought it and took it to the house as my housewarming gift. *double swoon*.

I am the luckiest girl in the whole world with the most AMAZING husband.

I love you Allen. Thank you for making all my dreams come true.

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