Saturday, January 7, 2012

TODAY... IS... THE... DAY...

Well, it's official...

We own it!!!

When "closing" yesterday, we were told they still needed one piece of paperwork, which was being FEDEX'd to them that afternoon... Kind of expected to get the keys right then, so kind of a letdown... About 5 hours later, I got a call that the bank didn't like one of my signatures, so back I went to resign something...

I tooled around for a bit around town, being slightly nefarious. Then, went back to the office to get the paperwork... The agent gave me our paperwork and handed me the keys, saying they were waiting on a funding number from the bank, but we could move in! A few moments after I left, the agent called and said the funding came through, and we were all done!!!


Cristy and I decided to wait til this morning to move in... By the time we could have packed and got there, it would be time for Juliet to go to sleep... This way, we'll have a full day to settle in...

Plenty to do today... Build a mailbox post... Lay rat traps... Walk around the house to talk about what furniture will go where... Start the rest of our lives!!!

Well, Cristy is waking up, telling me how I had better be writing about how beautiful and wonderful she is this early in the morning... Of course she is!!! She is the most beautiful and wonderful woman I know, and I'm so happy to be married to her!!!

Farmer Allen

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