Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So, today, I (Allen) decided to finally walk around in the woods surrounding our house…  Following a trail to the north, I walked until I saw an old, abandoned “house”.  Looking around, I quickly discovered it was really just a towable mobile home, with a deck built around it, and another room built on…  Probably something like a hunting cabin or weekend get-away, though now I would say it is uninhabitable…


So, having the dogs with me, they were super excited to be out of the house and exploring…  Soon after we climbed the long set of stairs from the river back to the “Spooky Trailer”, Sadie disappeared on me…  Turns out, she had her fill of excitement for the day, and headed home to Cristy…  Gypsy and I, however, kept walking…  As we approached the north-east corner of the woods, I spotted about 9-10 deer running away from us…  I called Cristy on the radio, but they didn’t run by the house.


So, we kept walking, “back to the house” (or so I thought…).  After a while, I called Cristy on the radio and asked her to yell so I could judge my location…  Turns out, I had gone past the house!!!  With the little hills and valleys on the property, I completely walked by the house without seeing it!  So, walking up hill, I saw another 2 deer (Which Cristy missed, again!).


When I finally popped back onto the driveway, about 300 feet past the house, Cristy was there laughing at how I had gotten “lost” on the 50 acres woods!


We took a quick walk to look at a trail we had seen from the road…  At the end of the short trail, we had a great view of the river and peninsula at the bottom of our steps to the river…


Here’s a picture of Cristy, holding on to a tree for dear life, with fearless Gypsy in the background, looking over the valley between our house and that area…  It’s quite a nice little drop off that Gypsy is hanging her head over!!! 


We had plenty of little thorn scrapes, but no ticks or other unwanted guests!


(Oh…  Also, Cristy biffed it, but I didn’t get a picture or see it happen…  She was just laughing, telling me about it…).


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