Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kitty, MIA

Kisa: (Kee-sa) A chubby fun loving cat who loved being indoors and out and just couldn't be contained.

When we first got Kisa I tried keeping her indoors. With three dogs, a doggie-door and a curious nature, she refused to stay in. I was always worried about her but she did fine and it worked out well.

Fast forward to us moving. It was decided that Kisa would probably be an indoor cat since the new house would not have a doggy door (wild animals and such).

While staying in the rental house we have to take the dogs out multiple times a day. Kisa couldn't stand it. She would cry to get out and try her hardest to sneak out with the dogs. A few times she escaped but I was able to catch her and bring her back.

Last night she escaped late at night and as of this afternoon she is still "Kitty-MIA".

Even the rental house is in a wooded area with wild animals and hawks so big I sometimes worry about the dogs. So chances of finding her now are slim. There's also the fact that our house might be closing Friday so we wont be here much longer if she did happen to find her way home after an extended period of time.

Yes it's sad. It was a long trip for all of us to make for her to get lost now. Sigh. Juliet will miss her so much which is hard too.

But, Allen reminded me that soon we'll be in our dream house and kittens are cute. So maybe after getting settled in we'll think about getting a new "meow-meow" for Juliet and I to play with.....

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