Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hello All!


Just got off the phone…  The last bit of Good News we needed just came in!  Our well inspection report was good/clean!!!


With that, we are scheduled to close Friday at 08:15…  We’ve been talking about when our actual “First Night” will be…  I’m all for it being right away, but having a bed to sleep in is also nice!


The last time I talked to Alex, he was seriously considering coming back out to the US of A to live with us…  There would be plenty for him to do out here; a big change from his video game playing days in Iceland!!! 


Kisa is still missing…  Hopes aren’t high that she will return…  In the past, when she’s gotten tired of being outside, she’ll let us know with constant meowing…  In fact, when she escaped this place a few days ago, she was back that night, meowing to be let in…  With the past few nights having dropped into the low 20’s, I’m sure “Princess Fat Cat” would have been crying to get in and eat…  Since that hasn’t happened, we think we might have said our last good-byes to her…  In any case, if she isn’t back in a few days, living or not, we’ll be gone…


Sadie has gotten much better…  For those of you who don’t know, I stole Sadie from my next door neighbor back in 2006…  Or, it’s more like Sadie defected to my yard away from her previous owners…  When I got her, she was always sick, had severely infected ears and skin, and had patchy skin with various ailments…  It took me several years to get her nice and healthy again…  Just before we left Virginia, Sadie started getting sick again; bad skin, stinky ears, sores, etc…  I think it was because of all of the cleaning chemicals and deodorizers we used to get the house ready for show each morning…  (Ironically, because of the dog smell…).  But, after about 3 weeks out here, her skin and coat is looking nice and shiny again, and she runs around like a happy horse outside!


Loko, however, is steadily getting worse and worse…  In Virginia Beach, he was slow going down stairs…  By the time we got here, he needed help going up or down stairs…  In a few days, he started to occasionally stumble a bit when walking…  Now, just on a short walk outside to go potty, he’ll fall 3-4 times…  He’s been laying quietly in the same spot on the floor since we came in from the last potty break, about 4 hours ago…  We are hand feeding and watering him, and I bought a harness to help him walk outside…  He still seems alert, but has just has lost all coordination to move…  I’ve never wanted to be in this position with a pet…  Loko has been more than just a furry pet; he’s been my constant friend for almost the past 9 years.  Through all of my ups and downs, he’s been there, happy to just be with me with an occasional scratch on the head and scrap from the table…  He’s kept my feet warm on cold nights, and listened to me talk for hours on end when I was living alone and needed someone to talk to.  Please put him in your prayers for us!  We need him to get better soon!


As for the Final Move, we are ready for it…  Cristy and I are still amazed at how our first trip to Arkansas was only a short 6 ½ months ago…  To us, it seems like it was a few years ago!!!  With all of the planning, dreaming, cleaning, decluttering, flooding, re-cleaning, painting, vacuuming, retiling, moving, repainting, and packing, the last 6 ½ months have been an almost non-stop nightmare!  We’ve been rushing around to do so much, it’s like the time since last June has been in Dog Years…  Now, with our old home sold, all the bills paid, and our new house just a few (literal!) days away, we are in that magical place in life where we have nothing to do but sit and breathe; AND WE LOVE IT!!!


As soon as I can log into the gov system, I’m going to schedule our household goods to be delivered to our new place…  Then we can start unpacking and arranging…  It will give us something to do, but we’re in no rush to get it done…  Cristy will have a whole year to unpack things and get settled in…


Cristy’s mom (and probably Dad) will be coming to visit in February…  Cristy is really excited about finally getting to do all the things she’s always wanted to do, but never had the time.  Like quilting and embroidering (Which her mom is a wizard at…).  Her mom made some gorgeous quilts for us and Alex, and I think Cristy wants to be able to make some more for our new life.  I remember her telling me about the special designs on our wedding quilt and what each pattern meant…  I’m not sure which type of pattern is appropriate for “Escaping the Big City” and “Back to Basics” and “Homesteading” and “Full Time Mom” and “Is It Time to go to the Garden Yet?”, but I’m sure she’ll think of something!!!


As for me, I’m already hearing the steady, ominous, “Tick-Tock” of my new assignment in Greece…  So much to do before then, so little time…  I’m sure I’ll be busy over there, as well…  I’ll need to be, to take my mind off of not being with Cristy, Juliet and Alex…  I’m already jealous of Cristy getting to be on our homestead without me, (but not jealous about all of the unpacking…  After 20 years in the Navy, I’m tired of all the packing, unpacking and moving I’ve had to do!). 


But, one day, I’ll be home for good!


Allen W.

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