Friday, January 27, 2012

Lazy (sort of) Day

Sitting on the porch watching Juliet and the dogs play. It's a nice break for me and it wears her out so she'll nap and I can do chores.

We miss Allen more than I can say but we're bucking up and working on getting into a routine.

As I sit here I can hear the cat inside the house meowing wanting outside so badly. She used to be a indoor/outdoor cat but I fear with all the wildlife here, she wouldn't make it long.

Also, there are some HUGE hawks that fly overhead everyday. HUGE. I think she would become bird food in a flash. Allen joked that at one point there were so many hawks flying overhead, he started to worry about Juliet, lol.

Well lots to accomplish today so I better start running around with Juliet so she'll go down for her nap!

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