Thursday, January 19, 2012


Not sure how or when she got it, but it sure didn't slow her down!!!

Juliet spent the afternoon running, jumping and falling... But a little bloody nose didn't stop her from running around like a crazy kid!!!

Cristy and I talked about something like this a long time ago... We didn't want Juliet to be raised in a sanitary, everybody wins, "We'll kiss every boo-boo" world... Learning how to fail gracefully can be a better experience than getting a trophy just for trying... A "Free-Range Child", capable of surviving dirt, scrapes and the occasional bloody nose... A kid who knows how to pull herself up after falling, and who is not afraid to try it again...

Parents, if you love your children, let them play, get dirty, and scrape their knees... Real life doesn't reward you just for trying... Teach them how to fail with dignity and lose with grace. Winning will be easy after that!


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