Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

With all that's been going on in our lives I almost forgot that last night was New Years Eve. We didn't make it to midnight but we had an early toast and went to sleep which for us was better than any celebration as we've just been going going going lately.

So Happy New Year to everyone. This is going to be one heck of a year for us.

-We will be moving into our dream home
-I will officially become a stay at home Mom while Allen is gone
-Allen will deploy and spend the year in Greece while we unpack the house
-We will work on becoming more self sufficient
-a thousand other things that I'm sure I'll blog about

This is going to be one heck of a year. I hope you'll all follow along with us on this amazing adventure.

"Happy New Year, a toast to 2012. The year of adventure!"

Cristy, Allen and Juliet

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