Friday, January 20, 2012


Well, it’s been a few weeks now on our Country Home…  It’s safe to say that we love it more and more, every single day!


Some people thought we were crazy to move out here, away from “Civilization”…  “What’s there to do out there?!?!”


To our friends and family, I’d offer these thoughts…


We had our cable installed on Monday…  Cristy turned on the TV today (Friday) for the first time to make sure we hooked up Juliet’s VCR correctly…  It’s not that we’re abstaining from TV; it’s just that we’ve discovered so much more to do than just sit there and “veg out”…


All of this extra time with Juliet has started a mental growth spurt…  She’s talking more and more, making new sentences, and figuring out so much on her own…  Now, she points things out to us with words we didn’t know she knew…  Without TV to distract her, Juliet loves looking at books, seeing pictures, and playing around the house.  She even commented on the books that I read, “Don’t have any pictures…”.  When she’s outside, she runs and runs and runs, and laughs and laughs and laughs!


We’ve finally put Civilization in its rightful place…  Away from us, at arm’s reach…  We can visit it when we want to, but its not there, pounding on the door, demanding to be let in…  Stores and shops and malls still exist, and we can find them anytime we want to…  Only now we have to purposefully look for them, instead of them being in the way all of the time…


To our friends considering following in our foot-steps and moving to the country, I’d say, “DO IT!!!”.  Moving out here took a lot of stars to align, and timing to be right for so many different things…  Our land in ND had to sell before our house sold, and I had to have orders someplace overseas…  And all of those things had to happen at roughly the same time…  For those of you who’ve bought/sold a house in the past few years, you know the chaotic nightmare that can be…  Everything will need to be just right in your life, too.  But if it’s the right time, it’ll happen…  We spent months and months and months planning and praying and hoping and finger-crossing and cleaning; but we had a clear goal in mind, and kept it in mind with everything we did…  Nothing we did was not towards our goals, and nothing that was not our goal was important… 




Why move to the country?!?!  The fresh air, the clean living, the ability to take control of your lives.  Grow a garden, get dirty, look at the stars, watch the sun rise, watch it set again, take a deep breath, sit on the porch, and spend more time with your family…  Look for deer, listen to the birds, walk the dogs, walk til your tired, explore the area, check for ticks, and figure out what is living in that pile of rocks the dogs keep sniffing at…  Go to bed exhausted, and wake up excited…  Plan a garden that you have no idea how you’ll eat all of the food, and then wonder how the deer managed to get to it before you.  Sit together at the dinner table, hold hands on short walks, and be excited that tomorrow will be just like today, only better!


If you’re still in doubt, come visit us…  Bring some work clothes…  Haul some wood…  Rake some leaves…  Plow some dirt…  Plant some seeds…  Wonder how that deer managed to get to your garden before you did…  Walk to the river…  Float for a while…  Fish…  Drink…  Work outside…  Sweat…  Live a little…  Live a lot…


With only 5 days left here, I’m not looking forward to Greece…  It’s not that I’m opposed to it; just that I’ll miss my family and the wonderful times we’ve had over the past few weeks here…  We’ll miss each other dearly, but have the light at the end of the tunnel already shining bright!


Arkansas Allen & Country Cristy

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