Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Notice there are two ears on her plate now....oh wait, she stole mine too-make that THREE ears of corn she ate.

Well, at least she likes her veggies.

Um, corn anyone?

So Juliet likes corn on the cob. No, she REALLY REALLY LIKES it!

Enjoying the weather

Playing and enjoying the weather today.

The Great Outdoors

The weather here lately has been amazing. Everyone says that this definitely is not a normal winter for the area. There has been no snow and definitely some chilly days but for the last week its been mid 60's with a nice breeze. It's been like this off and on since we arrived here.

Normal or not, I'll take it!

Table for two please

While in town today Juliet and I tried a new restaurant. We had hot dogs and French fries and Juliet did so great. She didn't use her hands at all and ate everything (including the ketchup) with her fork.

Mommy & Me


A short video that reminds me of my first day back at work…




A short video that reminded me of my first day back at work…


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EtoOalMULPI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Monday, January 30, 2012

Juliet helping

Helping to pick up leaves

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Sorry folks, but this is the most interesting photo I have so far... It's the courtyard taken outside of my hotel room...

My room is very nice, but drafty... Heater is on full blast 24/7 just to keep the room slightly chilly...

Today is my first day of "work"... Not much working, though... Today is more like a day of introductions and pay adjustments...

Since I'm still super jet-lagged, I'm already ready for bed... Gonna be a lllooonnnggg day...


Totally Tuckered Out

Juliet and I have been attending church since arriving in Arkansas. This morning after service they had a huge potluck. Juliet ate a little but was more interested in the desserts, specifically this cupcake and then was off and running with the other kids.

After the potluck we had to make a quick stop at Walmart. Poor Juliet just couldn't hold on and crashed out. She must have been super tired, she's NEVER fallen asleep in the cart before.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Winding Down

It's been a long day. Now clean and warmed up it's time to relax and watch some Finding Nemo while Mommy gets dinner ready.

Muddy Waters

What's the point of living in the country if you can't get dirty!

Puddle Jumper

I'm done!

Fed up with the rocky road, Juliet just picks up and goes. Wow, if only I could do that!


The dogs are circling Juliet hoping to get some of that cookie.

In the last two pics, I keep hearing Jack Nicholsons voice, "Don't even think about it".

Wakey Wakey

I woke Juliet up early today so we would have time to play outside. Love the crazy hair.


Holding on tight to the new blankie that Uncle Jeremy and Cousin Corrie sent her. Thank you guys!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Mmmmm, Cookies!

Juliet trying to dig the chocolate out of the cookies I made this morning.

Lazy (sort of) Day

Sitting on the porch watching Juliet and the dogs play. It's a nice break for me and it wears her out so she'll nap and I can do chores.

We miss Allen more than I can say but we're bucking up and working on getting into a routine.

As I sit here I can hear the cat inside the house meowing wanting outside so badly. She used to be a indoor/outdoor cat but I fear with all the wildlife here, she wouldn't make it long.

Also, there are some HUGE hawks that fly overhead everyday. HUGE. I think she would become bird food in a flash. Allen joked that at one point there were so many hawks flying overhead, he started to worry about Juliet, lol.

Well lots to accomplish today so I better start running around with Juliet so she'll go down for her nap!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hot Cocoa

Having some warm cocoa after coming in from the cold.