Monday, December 19, 2011

Update on my end.....

It's been a few days since I really posted and Allen's been great at doing some updating so I haven't been in hurry.

The last few weeks were so stressful they took a major toll on me. Being sick at the same time we were packing and never really getting any recovery time. Then two FULL days of non-stop driving was in itself stressful as heck. Then getting settled into the rental house and touring the area.

All of these things were/are so exciting but now it's time to enjoy this downtime and let my body rest and recover. I WILL kick this cold!

Still getting used to the rental house. As Allen said, it's nice and quaint. It's great that we found a furnished house, I don't know how we would have dealt if it hadn't been.

The little kitchen has this nice round table in the center and since we have no cable we've been eating our meals there as a family. Maybe some of you do this already but we were always kind of an eat in front of the TV family. Well, it's a nice change of pace. Tonight at the table I was making pasta and Juliet insisted that Allen and I serenade her with a few rounds of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". As the pasta bubbled and the bread broiled, we obliged. It was a nice night.

This is what I look forward to most. Quiet evenings with my family having fun together and making memories......and this is just the beginning.

Cristy W.

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