Saturday, December 10, 2011


Well, Folks... It's upon us...

As I write this, a crew of 6 people are packing and unloading the house into one (or two) big trucks...

The past two days, they have been packing our stuff into boxes... I'm grateful the Navy pays for this, as it would take us an eternity to do it ourselves...

So, I'll be here all day, seeing all the hair balls we missed in all the hidden nooks and crannies around the house...

On the bright side, it'll be easy to clean when everything is put of the house!!!

And, besides my time in Greece, this is the LAST move we'll ever have to make... EVER!!! Because this entire evolution, (selling this house, buying that house, packing up, moving, and the coming Exodus...), will never happen again if I have anything to say about it!!!

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