Monday, December 19, 2011


So, I said before that Loko wasn't feeling well... Dizzy, stumbling, tripping...

Things have settled down enough that I could take him to the Vet today...

Heart/Lungs/Spine - Good
Blood Work - Good

Doc said it was one of 4 things:
Concussion (Likely)
Brain Tumor
Inner Ear Infection (Unlikely)

So, he got a shot, some antibiotics (just in case of an infection), and anti-inflammatory drugs...

Fingers crossed...

Sitting in the doctor's office for an hour, I started thinking... I got Loko in April 2003; he was about a year old then... Before me, he was owned by a wife beating, child abusing, A$$hole...

When the A-hole was in lock-up, his wife gave the dog, who they called FUBAR, up for adoption... I took him in...

Loko has been in my life for over 8 years now... He is my constant companion, a loyal friend, and a close part of our family...

The picture shows many things... Most importantly, in the bottom left hand corner, is his heart... Never has so much been contained in something so small...

We love you Loko... Get well soon!

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