Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Early Christmas Present

Grandma & Grandpa Thwing sent us a big box of presents for Christmas. I've been keeping them in a corner out of the way. Tonight Juliet caught sight of a small round tin box in that corner and thought it was a drum and HAD to have it. I went ahead and gave it to her and after drumming for a bit, she realized there was something inside.

She asked me to open it for her and found all these lovely scraps of fabric. Big, small, long, short, fuzzy, cotton, etc. I honestly don't remember the last time she played with something so quietly for so long. She was fascinated, putting pieces on her head, around her like a scarf, wrapping her feet exclaiming how warm it was.

In the box, out of the box, lay them out, repeat.

Sometimes it really is the simple things and I really enjoyed watching her little imagination run.

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