Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Good Morning

It's been a week now since Allen left so I thought I'd give an update.

Juliet and I are doing well. It was very quiet out here the first few days but we're slowly getting into a routine and getting used to all the country sounds, country silence and what I like to call advanced darkness.

We spend as much time as we can playing outdoors between unpacking & cleaning & unpacking & cleaning....which at this point seems to be never ending but we keep chipping away.

Allen is working to get settled in and will probably post here now and again if spotty internet allows. Since arriving to Greece he's been battling severe jet lag and a nasty chest & sinus cold. Please send good thoughts his way.

Well it's time to get Juliet down for her morning nap so bye for now. Oh and I just thought this picture was funny. Juliet decided to dunk all her oranges in the cereal milk and it made me laugh.

Happy Wednesday everyone.

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