Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ahhh, to be a kid nowadays

Here's Juliet resting on the couch watching some cartoons on our Kindle Fire. How great to be a kid these be able to hold a small TV in your hands and choose what cartoon to watch. Wow, technology has come such a long way.

Sorry there haven't been more posts as of late. The last few weeks have been a little crazy. I've been dealing with a dog vs skunk situation which I think I now have neutralized. Yesterday I also found that a mouse has taken up residence in my car. I don't remember if I posted about it back when....but for those of you that don't know, this is not the first mouse I've had in my car.

So I spent the afternoon pulling everything out of the car, cleaning, spraying, vacuuming and disassembling the carseat to clean it as well.

After a few hours of all that, I then set traps all over the car and hoped for the best. This morning when I let the dogs out I peeked through the car windows and ICK, I mean, YAY I got him. Now I just hope no more find their way in.

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