Monday, February 6, 2012

Faucet Fascination

Keep feeling fascination.......(the 80's song...anyone...anyone).

Ok I'll move on, it's just that I'm so darn excited. This morning the plumbers were finally out to install my new faucet and I couldn't be happier.

This badboy is sturdy, tall, swivels, extends, has two different streams, is easy on the eyes,'s touch sensitive.

In case I never mentioned it, our new home does NOT have a dishwasher. At first, this freaked me out. FREAKED OUT! I've had a dishwasher my entire life and now with a toddler I became very scared at the idea of constantly doing dishes all day long.

As it turns out, it's not that big of a deal (yes Allen, you were right xoxoxo ;). It makes you more aware of how many dishes you use and by doing a round in the morning and then in the evening, your good to go.

However, the faucet and sprayer do make a difference Ours was very old and generic making doing dishes by hand more of a chore than it needed to be. Also, I felt that I was waisting water between the washing and rinsing.

Insert awesome faucet. This faucet is high allowing for easy maneuvering of dishes in sink, it has a pull-down sprayer and best of all, in between scrubbing & rinsing I just hit any part of the faucet with my hand or elbow and it shuts off or turns back on.

I actually can't wait to do dishes tonight, while rocking out to 80's tunes.

*Keep feeling fascination*

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