Friday, February 17, 2012

Dog Run

My latest project is a dog run. Nothing fancy just somewhere I can put the dogs outside and know they can't get loose and into trouble when my attention is elsewhere.

This is a temporary fix until we can either fence the main part of the property or figure another way to keep the dogs from running off when I'm not looking (sneaky dogs!).

It's not pretty but I tested it out and worked as should [clipped chains to collars = they can't escape] sweet.

I left them on the run for a few minutes and went to do a chore. This was them when I got back, a couple of sad sacks. Gave some praise and treats hoping it might perk them up, which it did.

The minute I let them loose Gypsy started running full boar around the yard as if she's NEVER been allowed to run free her entire life. It was pretty funny to watch. Sadie just walked right next to me, leaning in so close to my legs as if to say, "I promise I'll be good".

Poor dogs, I just don't want them running away again.

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