Monday, June 25, 2012


Sorry there haven't been more Juliet pictures posted lately. Our friend that helps us on the homestead has been out of town for a week and dealing with everything on my own has been very exhausting.

There's trying to entertain a spirited toddler from 7am-7pm with three dogs and a cat underfoot. Trying not to kill our already weak garden, wrangling two naughty goats, and corralling and re-corralling chickens.

Not to mention the weekly playdates, grocery shopping, church activities, chores and random unpacking. Whew. I'm pooped just typing it.

Today I also took Gypsy back to the vet to get her stitches out. While her original issue seems to be fine we're now dealing with some other issues. Poor thing. Hopefully the new meds will make her feel better.

So don't stop checking the blog, in a few more days I'll have more help and hopefully a little free time to snap cute, fun pictures of my favorite spirited toddler.

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