Monday, June 18, 2012


Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what we feel we "have" to do that we forget all about the things we "want" to do.

Because of my wonderful husband, I am in the unique position of getting to stay home this year with Juliet in our new dream home. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in having to clean things up (a toddler, 3 dogs and a cat running around, it can get real messy, real quick) or what I still need to unpack, etc. that I forget to stop and enjoy all the wonderful things around me.

So today I decided, no stressing, no worrying, no feeling bad about what I did or didn't do. Today we are going to enjoy this amazing place that we call home.

After packing up some snacks, drinks and towels we suited up and headed down to the river to cool off and splash around and it was a lot of fun.

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