Friday, June 29, 2012

Baby corn on the baby cob

It was time to pick some of the corn from the garden. Unfortunately, due to poor soil that I'm constantly working on to improve for next year, and a major dry spell, our corn is.....well, small.

We got a few little ears though and the taste right off the stalk was definitely amazing.

Friendly Guy

Here's one of my favorite chickens, loves to come sit beside you and get pet.

We went out early this morning before the insane heat hit. Took the chickens some old food and stake bread, they were very happy birds.

Hello Chicks!

Well not really chicks any more, the Guinea Fowl are finally starting to get bigger.

Oh and here's Kisa the cat- she slipped outside and was having fun skulking around.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Juliet and her chickens

Goats in the coop

Here are the goats hanging in the chicken coop and Juliet helping me feed them.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Belated Thank You's

Thank you to everyone who sent us Anniversary Wishes last week. And thank you to my parents who got us this awesome 5-n-1 griddle. I'm just now getting it out of the box and I think I'm going to use the grill side tonight to make some sausages and tomorrow morning flip it to use the griddle side to make some french toast! Mmmm, mmm, mmmm!

Fun at the pool

Here's Juliet at the pool enjoying a icepop, taking a little siesta with her friend Hadley and swimming around with all the kids.


Here's Athena snacking on some sweet watermelon after a hard day at the Vet's... 2 shots PLUS the microchip injection (WHICH IS HUGE!!!)

She's worn out now, sleeping away at my feet...

Monday, June 25, 2012


Sorry there haven't been more Juliet pictures posted lately. Our friend that helps us on the homestead has been out of town for a week and dealing with everything on my own has been very exhausting.

There's trying to entertain a spirited toddler from 7am-7pm with three dogs and a cat underfoot. Trying not to kill our already weak garden, wrangling two naughty goats, and corralling and re-corralling chickens.

Not to mention the weekly playdates, grocery shopping, church activities, chores and random unpacking. Whew. I'm pooped just typing it.

Today I also took Gypsy back to the vet to get her stitches out. While her original issue seems to be fine we're now dealing with some other issues. Poor thing. Hopefully the new meds will make her feel better.

So don't stop checking the blog, in a few more days I'll have more help and hopefully a little free time to snap cute, fun pictures of my favorite spirited toddler.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Offering my condolences to one of the other fatties. It's kind of a bummer, the meat chickens are the most friendly. Figures.

Yup, farm life.....

Sooooo, I went outside to spend time with the goats and feed them ad they were in the chicken area. Had to wrangle them out of there and back Ito their area as try to secure as best as I could.

Then I put water going on the garden and went to give the chickens fresh food and water.....uh oh....something wasn't right. Nuts, we lost one of the meat chickens. They are due to be dinner any time but our farm hand friend is out of town. Poor thing probably had a heart attack or heat stroke.

So here I am, the grim reaper of chickens, suited up to go do what has to be done......ick!


Finally got some good picks of our Rooster. Still deciding on a name for him....

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cutest Picture Ever

On our way to the pool this morning, Juliet stopped to pick a flower. I actually caught her just at the right time.

Happy Anniversary To Us

Just delivered! This thing is ginormous!

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Happy Anniversary Allen

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chickens O' Chickens

Sitting outside in the cool breeze waiting for the chickens to head back to the coop (they've strayed into the goat yard :) so I can close them in for the night.

It's a beautiful evening.

Wakey, Wakey

This was her AFTER getting her up from her short nap, she was wiped out! She proceeded to sleep on the couch for another half hour.

Funny Girl

After jumping in the pool, she promptly got out and bowed for the camera, lol.

She definitely takes after her Daddy in the outgoing department.

Now that's happy

A friend invited us over to her pool to swim with some other Mom's and kids. As you can see by the amazing smile on Juliet's face, she had a blast.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Me and Boobie

Sitting on the rocks fishing for lily pads. It's been a nice day :)

Tubing and fishing

Relaxing on a big inner tube and using her little fishing pole to practice fishing. (she REALLY wanted to catch some dish to eat, lol)