Saturday, September 22, 2012

That's love......

There's one thing about our new dream house that I had to get used dishwasher (gasp).

After having one for pretty much my entire life it definitely took some getting used to. I found that as long as you keep up on them it's really not bad.

What I did find though, was that the cheap drying racks sold in the stores caused more problems and messes than anything. Water all over the counters, stagnant water, etc.

Allen, the wonderful husband that he is saw that I wanted this and sent it to me. Probably the fanciest dish rack I've ever seen. I just got it out of the box and set it up and can't wait to do my first round of dishes.'s about lunch-time now. 'Hey Juliet, let's go have lunch and mess up some dishes' :D

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