Monday, September 24, 2012


With Juliet down for a nap I was sitting here enjoying a little quiet time. The weather is cool with a slight breeze so I have the front and back door open.

All of a sudden I hear, tap, tap, tap. Then Sadie the dog started getting anxious and pacing. I got up to look outside and here's what I saw outside my kitchen door.

Until a fence is fixed and a spring-board log is removed (later this week) these little guys refuse to be contained. Thankfully they stay near the house for food and safety, but I have found it very funny how curious they are.

The female (Leia) had a run in with Kisa the cat this morning when Kisa ventured out to be near me while I was feeding the goats and chickens. Leia didn't know what to make of Kisa and started stamping her little hoof and almost head butted poor Kisa. Kisa was petrified not knowing at all what she had gotten herself into and literally sat there frozen. Almost laughing the goats did their high kick crazy zig-zag run and trotted off.

Just another day here on the homestead :D

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