Sunday, September 30, 2012

After Nap

Juliet wanted to dress up like Cinderella after waking up from her nap. I found a blue velvet dress in her closet and she put on what she calls her princess slippers.

I asked if I could take one pretty picture of her as a princess and she said N.O. and proceed to give me her mad face for the next 10 minutes.

Where in the world is Juliet?

Napping UNDER her bed again I see :)

While the kid's away......,

While Juliet was visiting her friend Emma, I did some house cleaning.

One of the things I did was convert Juliet's changing table into a stuffed animal holder and book shelf.

When I showed Juliet what I had done, she told me she didn't like it and to fix it. I explained that she's a big girl now and big girls don't need a changing table.


This is Juliet yesterday being very excited that she gets to go visit her BFF Emma.

Love that press-n-seal

Making a new batch to freeze.....yum!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Jack-O-Lantern

She wanted to draw it all by herself. Spoooooky, lol.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rain, Rain

Some of the Mom's I know had planned a playdate for the park this morning. Unfortunately right as we go there, the rain started pouring down. Most of them then decided to go to a park in a different direction or not at all but since we were already there we decided to wait it out.

After about 30-40 minutes the rain moved on and the geese and birds were out and ready to be fed.

As usual, Juliet had a great time feeding, chasing and playing.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Princess Sadie

Juliet: Mommy look. Sadie is a princess too!


With Juliet down for a nap I was sitting here enjoying a little quiet time. The weather is cool with a slight breeze so I have the front and back door open.

All of a sudden I hear, tap, tap, tap. Then Sadie the dog started getting anxious and pacing. I got up to look outside and here's what I saw outside my kitchen door.

Until a fence is fixed and a spring-board log is removed (later this week) these little guys refuse to be contained. Thankfully they stay near the house for food and safety, but I have found it very funny how curious they are.

The female (Leia) had a run in with Kisa the cat this morning when Kisa ventured out to be near me while I was feeding the goats and chickens. Leia didn't know what to make of Kisa and started stamping her little hoof and almost head butted poor Kisa. Kisa was petrified not knowing at all what she had gotten herself into and literally sat there frozen. Almost laughing the goats did their high kick crazy zig-zag run and trotted off.

Just another day here on the homestead :D


I was almost done with my cookies when Juliet got bored. Insert food coloring which made it interesting for another 5-10 minutes and I was able to finish.

The aftermath of this "fun time" was pretty bad. I had already cleaned up wet blue flour from the floor and the stuff I missed had dried so it took awhile to get the floor clean. Other than that, Juliet had a great time baking and I was glad to be able to finish mine.

Helping Help!

Well, the helping turned into flour flinging. I decided maybe she would have more fun at her own table making her own cookies (flour and water) with her own little kitchen tools.


I needed to make some cookies today and Juliet has been begging to help me bake so here is my little helper, ready to go!

It's cute!

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge fan of little girls having their fingers painted. But when Juliet started noticing friends of mine with painted nails and some of her friends with painted nails the begging began. Normally I don't wear nail polish but I am in love with the Jamberry stuff so I tried it. Well once Juliet saw it on my nails it was over. It went from begging to full on crying and pleading......and yes, as usual, she wore me down.

Not something I'll do too often but it was a fun girly thing and it sure does look cute!

Jamberry Nails

A friend of mine is a consultant for a company called Jamberry Nails. I'm not big on painting my nails but these are so darn cute and there are so many patterns to choose from I couldn't resist trying them out. Result=super cute!

Juliet noticed them them second she woke up and had been insisting that I do hers next.

I intend to order some as Christmas presents for a few of the young ladies in my life. It can be hard shopping for girls so I wanted to share the link in case any of you were interested and looking for holiday gift ideas.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tarantula Season, REALLY?


Cutie Pie & Purple Meow Meow

Happy Anniversary!

To Grandma & Papa Thwing. I love you so much, Happy Anniversary!

(Nothing says I love you like macaroni and glitter).

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad. I wish I were there to give you big hugs. Have a wonderful day, we're thinking of you.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

That's love......

There's one thing about our new dream house that I had to get used dishwasher (gasp).

After having one for pretty much my entire life it definitely took some getting used to. I found that as long as you keep up on them it's really not bad.

What I did find though, was that the cheap drying racks sold in the stores caused more problems and messes than anything. Water all over the counters, stagnant water, etc.

Allen, the wonderful husband that he is saw that I wanted this and sent it to me. Probably the fanciest dish rack I've ever seen. I just got it out of the box and set it up and can't wait to do my first round of dishes.'s about lunch-time now. 'Hey Juliet, let's go have lunch and mess up some dishes' :D

Opossum, my possum

I had noticed lately that something had been lurking around my porch at night. A garbage bag eaten through, some cloth piled up in a corner like a mouse would do.....only bigger.

I put out a old fashioned rat trap and hoped for the best. Last night after dark I heard a loud sound and realized I had caught something! I grabbed the big flashlight and slowly went the same time I opened the door I started panicking....what if I had caught a skunk, that would not be good.

I shined the flashlight behind the bench where I had laid the trap and was startled to see a possum. Alive.

Not sure why but it never really crossed my mind that I would catch anything besides a mouse or rat and I had no clue what to do with this guy. He wasn't very menacing but I still don't want him taking up residence on my porch.

In the end I put a call into my neighbors who were kind enough to come over and help me with it even though it was getting late.

Mr. Chad put on his gloves and grabbed this guy and as it turns out, he wasn't even stuck in the trap, just stuck in the area where I had put the trap. He took the little guy and released him far away from the house.

Thank goodness Allen and I have such nice neighbors. I think today I will be baking a batch of thank you cookies :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Little Sweetie

Being cute and having fun in the goat yard.