Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This is awesome!

First I'll say that yes, I'm more than a little excited about this. The pictures are a tad dark because I was making sandwiches at 10:00 last night.

I told Allen about this little Wonderbread press and that I couldn't find it at the Walmart here in town. So the awesome husband he is, he ordered it for me and had it delivered it to my door! I love you Allen!

Backstory. Our lovely little Juliet is very spirited and as many parents know, at this age, kids can become especially willful when it comes to food. Juliet used to eat anything and everything, but now it's very difficult to get her to eat anything.

A while ago while at the pool with other Moms and kids, she saw a kid getting to eat one of those Uncrustables peanut butter sandwiches. The parent asked if Juliet could have one and I said ok but was doubtful she would eat one. I had been trying for weeks to get her to eat PB&J but it would end up broke up all over her plate with her using her fingers to scoop out what she wanted most of it going to waste.

Of course she ate every bit of the Uncrustables sandwich. WHAT!?

So I head to the store to pick up some of these magic sandwiches that will finally make my daughter eat. I pick up a box of 4 for almost $5.00! FIVE DOLLARS FOR FOUR! much do I want her to eat?????

I did buy them to see if she would really eat them and yup, she liked them alright. Even the mega box of them worked out to close to a dollar a sandwich and this is just crazy and way too expensive.

After looking at some other Mommy blogs, I came across another Mom who was having the same sandwich issues we were. She raved a out this Wonderbread press and I knew I had to find it!

So yesterday my newest treasure arrived and I am in love. Makes The exact same Uncrustables sandwich and creates a perfect seal. And just like the store bought ones, you can just bag them and toss in the freezer to grab on the go and they are thawed and ready to eat after and hour or so.

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