Friday, August 31, 2012

Sesame Street

Juliet and I are spending a rainy evening watching an episode of Sesame Street. She took a bite d we apple, looked at me and said, "a is for apple". (a isn't even the word of the day:). Go Juliet!

Here comes the rain

Juliet is finally getting to use her new birthday rain gear from Grandma and Poppa Thwing. It's been nice to get some rain and really enjoying it being a few degrees cooler.


Just can't seem to stay awake...

After a long morning of playing and nibbling Daddy's fingers, Athena couldn't stay awake any longer, and fell asleep...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Full of beans!

Sometimes a Mom just needs a little time to make dinner, etc. Insert the bean bucket, works every time and I always get a good 1/2 hour out of it :D

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Family Circus

Last night Juliet found this Family Circus comic book. She liked all the drawings of the kids and determined that is was in fact a coloring book and we MUST color TOGETHER. we picked out these two comics and went to work. It was a nice end to the day.

In the show!

Juliet has decided that the hearth is a stage. She took her baby doll up and said, "look Mommy, I'm in the show". Then she took a drumstick up and did some conducting.

Self portrait

Someone figured which button on the phone is the camera app and took her first self portrait.

Hula Girl

Juliet doing a hula dance in the dress her Daddy sent her. I wont tell you what I had to bribe her with to get her to take it off at bed time.......but it rhymes with rocolate.

Hang Loose

Here's Juliet trying on the owl-awesome hoodie that Aunt Sue sent her along with a pack of super cute bracelets.

Thank you Aunt Sue!!!!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Painting AGAIN

It started out innocently enough, then she wanted to "paint" her nails. From there she started painting upper arm and I knew any illusion I had of this not getting crazy messy was shot. She had a great time though and is now enjoying a nice bath.


So much stuff it's like my Birthday and Christmas! I didn't want to put it all away, I want to be able to see it so I used this little shelf to display some of it.

What a awesome husband. We love and miss you sweetie!

More stuff from Daddy

A beautiful wooden bracelet, a small elephant pouch (she LOVES elephants) and gorgeous tangerine dress that she refuses to take off.

There was so much more, lots of greek candy and some amazing stuff he picked out for me. So much stuff, I'll have to take a picture of everything so everyone can see how beautiful it all is.

Box from Daddy!

Allen sent us a box of Birthday goodies from Greece which arrived today. Juliet was so excited and loved opening everything.

A sheepskin vest, that she is in love with, and a silver bracelet that she thinks belongs to Wonder Woman, lol.

On to Play-Doh

Morning Painting

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Nutella Heaven

One of my favorite treats is Nutella inside croissant rolls. So tasty (which is why I only make them about twice a year).

Wonder Woman!