Thursday, May 31, 2012


Athena, after a long day playing... So much energy in such a small package!!!


A few shots of cucumbers and squash in my Greek Garden next to the vineyard...


A quick photo of me in my "Choker Whites" after the Change of Command today...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gardening Today

Juliet went into the garden today and came out with a tomato, some banana peppers and little potatoes.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And now.....

Though we had a great time visiting Grandma & Papa in Vegas, it was time to head home. We missed our homestead and everything in it.

The moment we got home Juliet was out and about, her little stroller in one hand and a rake in the other demanding to see the baby chicks in the coop and the baby birds that had hatched on the porch.

She then ran up to me and said, "Momma, let's go dig!" but got sidetracked by a lizard that had fallen into a bucket. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a outdoors/wildlife, lets-get-dirty kind if day :)


After we took off Juliet looked out the window and said, "bye-bye Grandma, bye-bye Pa-pa, see you soon".

A huge thank you to my parents for making this such a wonderful trip. Juliet had the best time and so did I.

We love you Grandma & Papa!

Shiny Planes

A very tired Juliet looking at all the big shiny planes.

It's just so darn pretty

And oh so smooooooth. On my last night there, Dad cracked open the Crown Reserve so we could all have a drink. Cheers!

Air Guitar!

A little air guitar and funny faces from Juliet while getting packed up.


One last trip to the craft store so Juliet could marvel at all the beautiful shiny fabrics.


One last trip to the sand pit to make volcanos.

Par Fun

I'm a little behind on my pictures so let me catch everyone up.

The day before we left we headed off to play at the park one last time. Our good friend Bo joined us which was a treat.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


This is how I woke up today...

She is definitely a "Daddy's Girl"...

Meet "Ello the Hippo"

I'm very happy with Ello the Hippo. I knew it was all worth it when Juliet woke up from her nap, came in the room and instantly caught site of Ello. She immediately proclaimed, "that's MY Hippo!".

I smiled. Happy to have my first project completed and instantly loved. YEESSSSSSSS!

A lot of work

It was a lot of work but in the home stretch. Almost ready to turn her right side out......I sure hope this works.....


So I couldn't find the right buttons, well, I found the right color but there weren't two.

Mom's solution-I'll just make you some buttons. Ummm, hugh?

Yeah, she pulled out her magic bag of tricks and within a hour had matched the color of button I wanted and created these awesome buttons for me.

Once again, she IS the master crafter!

Buttons buttons buttons

Finding the right buttons to use for my hippo wasn't hard because I didn't have any, exactly the opposite. Mom has so many buttons it made it impossible to choose!

Gotta start somewhere

I've been wanting to try this project for while now and figured there was no better time than while visiting Mom so she could help me (as she is a master seamstress/quilter/crafter, etc.).

The idea is to make stuffed animals from vintage and cool thrift store clothes. The idea is to recycle and make them using as little money as possible.

My first attempt is a hippo. I purchased a nice pair of JCrew cords and a men's shirt from the thrift store at 0.99/ea. can't beat those prices.

Fun at Bass Pro

Bass Pro

We're at the Bass Pro shop this morning and wow, This store is insane. Stuffed wild animals everywhere including a life size giraffe! (they probably aren't all real but they are all life size so it's really great for Juliet.

The fish tank in the store is great, but the one in the attached casino is UNBELIEVABLE!!!