Friday, March 2, 2012

Last Breakfast

This morning we went had had a last breakfast in one of the little towns here. Tomorrow Mom and Aunt Trudy leave to go back home. I know they had a good time but are anxious to get back to their own homes, beds and loved ones. If I had my way though I would keep them here with me for a good long time, one week just wasn't enough!

I have no idea how I can thank them for everything they've done for me this week. There are almost no boxes left in the house, they've watched Juliet giving me a much needed break and it was so fun having girls around to watch some chick flicks with and have lots of laughs.

So while I am forced to take them to the airport tomorrow, I do it begrudging.

THANK YOU Mom and Aunt Trudy. Because of you my house feels more like a home now. With the great wall of boxes gone we can move around and breath a little easier with all the room we have now. You guys worked so hard, thank you so very much. I feel very lucky to have such great people in my life.

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