Thursday, March 22, 2012

Enjoying Nature

It's been raining for the last few days but today the sun managed to come out. I could tell by the sound of the river this morning that due to the rain it had swelled quite a bit.

I had not seen the river this big since we got here so this morning I headed down to take a look.

[Note to self: do not wear converse sneakers when going down to the river when it's wet out. The scum covered ramp is more like a slip and slide and the stairs slick like ice-Duh Cristy].

After almost falling on the ramp portion I held on for dear life as I proceeded down the approx 8 flights of stairs to the river. I did great till I saw the river. I was so blown away by how big it had gotten that I let go and...thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk. I finished the rest of the stairs on my butt.

While talking to Allen and telling him about the river, he wanted to know why I hadn't taken pictures for him. I had to tell him about my fall and how I came back up to the house covered in green slime. Yup.

Yeah, it's funny now.

So anywhoo, I decided to return to the scene of the crime and take some pics for him. Along the way I snapped some pics of the lovely trees blooming on the hillside. The colors are so vibrant that I had to share.

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