Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kids Run

After the main race concluded, there was a kids race. Juliet was very excited but one of the youngest to participate so like a few other moms I ran with her. I think it was more of a workout than the actual race!

She was so happy to get her medal. Hot, tired and exhausted, we headed home.

Ready, set, go

We got in place (Juliet comfortably in her stroller) and ready, set, go, we were on our way.

We did not actually finish the full race but went about half way. Juliet doesn't like being in the stroller for too long so we headed back. By this time it was super hot out!

Our 5k

Our church sponsored a 5k to raise money for a summer event they hold annually. Juliet and I signed up. Yikes, it's been some time since I worked out.

This morning we woke up early, got our things together and headed out. It started out nice and cool......and got real hot, real fast.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Here's Allen's Chief photo taken in Souda Bay (He's on the far left).

I love a man in a uniform!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moved it

After getting stung we moved things a bit. Played in her mud puddle and then in the pool pulled closer to the house (though wasps are all over near there too so not sure why I thought that was better).

After I saw a hornet land on Juliet and I swatted it away, it came after me. That's when I called "DONE" and picked Juliet up and decided it would be a good time to go inside and make lunch.

Glad your having fun!

While Juliet splashed around I went to go fill up the water up for the dogs. While doing this I tripped and landed on the stairs near our garage. OUCH!

Nailed my leg hard in two places and slammed the backside of one arm and scrapped one elbow pretty good.

Oh but the elbow pic below is not from that-no, that would be from the hornet that shortly after my fall decided to sting me in the OTHER elbow.

So yeah, it's been that kind of a day folks.

Swimming Pond

Juliet had a lot of fun playing in her pool this morning. It was funny watching her try to "protect" her water from the hot and thirsty dogs.


Is tiring work...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Full of beans!

Mommy is now exhausted and needs to make dinner. A *friend told me about a great thing to do that will occupy your toddler just long enough to get dinner made without having the little one underfoot.

Buy a bunch of dry beans in bulk and dump in a large bin. Give her some measuring cups, etc and let her go nuts (or beans if you will).

This was perfect and I was able to get dinner made in peace-Juliet tends to really only want my attention while I'm at a hot oven or stove so distraction with her is becoming an art form.

*Thank you Heather D'Bomb, you are the best. We miss you and West lots and lots!

Can't keep her down for long

Home from the park and up from a short nap, Juliet is out and about again. This time she's on the hunt for grasshoppers!

Looking for squirrels

Looking for squirrels, wait there's one- one o' clock, get it!

Feed the birds

Ready, set, feed the birds!

Inch by inch

Highlight of her night was when she found an inch worm.


After the mud puddle, she decided to help water the dirt in the garden. LOVED THAT!


Yesterday evening I let Juliet outside before bedtime to wear her down a little more than usual. She had a blast. She got ahold of the hose and filled up her mud puddle.....let the fun begin.

Park fun

And she's done!