Wednesday, April 21, 2010

If you can help - It's a Good Cause

My friend Margot is doing a walk this weekend to raise money for the March of Dimes.  Her little baby Madelyn wasn't supposed to be born until the end of October but she ended up having her 8 weeks early, just a few weeks after I had Juliet.  At 16 inches long, she weighed only 2 pounds 14 ounces.
When I met Madelyn, I couldn't believe how much smaller than Juliet she was.  So tiny and fragile.  However, because of the March of Dimes and their research and developments, Madelyn is now six months old and thriving (and just cut her first tooth :)
I know times are tight, but if you have even $5.00 or 10.00 that you can spare to donate to the March of Dimes on behalf of my friend Margot and her beautiful daughter so they can make their goal by this weekend, it would be SUPER FANTASTIC.
Please click on the link below to go to Margot's March of Dimes web page where you can donate if you're able.
Thank you!

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