Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Administrative Assistants Day

Awww, all my co-workers decorated my cube and got me a great card with
a $50 iTunes gift card! That was super sweet of them. It always feels
good to be appreciated.

Admins work really hard and most of the stuff they do goes unnoticed
(part of being a good assistant is making things happen without others
even knowing you did it).

So if anyone out there reading this is any kind of Admin at all -
Happy Administrative Assistants Day. You are greatly appreciated and
thank you for the many little things you do daily to make things
easier for others.

If your not lucky enough to have coworkers like mine, please take a
moment out of your day to treat yourself to something special. A cup
of fancy coffee, a good lunch, a relaxing drink when you get home, a
new song to rock out to. Anything that makes you feel good, you

Have a wonderful day everyone.

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