Friday, April 30, 2010

Let's gooooooooooo MoooooM!

She's got her socks and her bib and is ready to start the day. Let's Go!

Yeah, I'm ready to ROKK


Gimme a "O"
Gimme a "W"
Gimme a "L"

What's that spell? Super cute little owl outfit with a chearleader

Oops, caught in the act!

Eating my book

Don't you just love these PJ's. I can't get over the cute Teddy Bear

Rasberry's to you!

Little ham, little ham

Juliet slept through the night and was in a great mood this morning
hamming it up, so we've got lots of great pictures to share.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My First Piano

What zone?

I know his picture is really dark, but due to a flash storm, my dog-
FREE zone has just become a three-dog, one cat zone.


Will it ever be possible to say no to that smile........doubtful.

Bottles Up

Juliet is getting really good at sitting up on her own. Here she is
playing with her empty bottle and the DVD remote having a good ol time.

So Proud

Kisa was very proud of herself. Good Kitty.

A little gift

When we came downstairs, Allen pointed out that Kisa the Kitty had
left us a little gift - a mole!

Headed out for some weekend grocery shopping

Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day......

So Mommy dropped the ball because Earth Day was yesterday. But
really, shouldn't everyday be earth day, so I figured it was ok.

Friday fun with Apps

Should I be working? Yes. Until my coffee takes effect though, I'm
having fun playing with my picture apps.

We're so happy it's FRIDAY!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's a page turner

She even turned the page on her own!

Interactive Baby

Before she wasn't interested in this book at all. Now she's not only
interested but looking under the flaps and checking out all the little
hidden toys within the book.

Pillow Fort

Here's Juliet playing in her pillow fort on the bed while I get ready
for work.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

March of Dimes - More Pics of Maddy

Here's a picture of Maddy when they first brought her home, and then another current pic of Maddy.
Thanks for looking everyone,

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If you can help - It's a Good Cause

My friend Margot is doing a walk this weekend to raise money for the March of Dimes.  Her little baby Madelyn wasn't supposed to be born until the end of October but she ended up having her 8 weeks early, just a few weeks after I had Juliet.  At 16 inches long, she weighed only 2 pounds 14 ounces.
When I met Madelyn, I couldn't believe how much smaller than Juliet she was.  So tiny and fragile.  However, because of the March of Dimes and their research and developments, Madelyn is now six months old and thriving (and just cut her first tooth :)
I know times are tight, but if you have even $5.00 or 10.00 that you can spare to donate to the March of Dimes on behalf of my friend Margot and her beautiful daughter so they can make their goal by this weekend, it would be SUPER FANTASTIC.
Please click on the link below to go to Margot's March of Dimes web page where you can donate if you're able.
Thank you!

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Sleeping Beauty

Last night after her last bottle, she found her blankie and passed
out. She was so peaceful sleeping on my shoulder, I almost didn't want
to put her down to bed.

Admin Award

My group just gave me this Certificate of Appreciation for "tireless
efforts, attention to detail, while making the office a fun place".

I feel very appreciated today. Thank you.


She'll try to stuff as much blanket as she can in her mouth.

Fluffy Blankie

Juliet LOVES fluffy blankies. She not only enjoys chewing on them but
gets instantly excited when you put her down in her crib and give her
a blankie. She pulls it over her head and self soothes heself to sleep.

I put this blankie on her changing table to keep her occupied while
changing her and picking out her outfit for the day. Once she had the
blankie, she was happy as a clam.

Administrative Assistants Day

Awww, all my co-workers decorated my cube and got me a great card with
a $50 iTunes gift card! That was super sweet of them. It always feels
good to be appreciated.

Admins work really hard and most of the stuff they do goes unnoticed
(part of being a good assistant is making things happen without others
even knowing you did it).

So if anyone out there reading this is any kind of Admin at all -
Happy Administrative Assistants Day. You are greatly appreciated and
thank you for the many little things you do daily to make things
easier for others.

If your not lucky enough to have coworkers like mine, please take a
moment out of your day to treat yourself to something special. A cup
of fancy coffee, a good lunch, a relaxing drink when you get home, a
new song to rock out to. Anything that makes you feel good, you

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fun with apps

Looking Cute

Our normal morning picture and looking oh-so-cute as usual. She's
getting so BIG!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pooh Ear

Poohs ear is no match for my two little teeth!

Little Helper

Put together some new shelves with a little help from JAK.

On our way out

Someone slept well

All cozy and ready for breakfast.

Bed Time

We had to lower Juliet's mattress since she's flipping over so much
now. And we added in her bumpers so she won't keep konking her head.


Enjoying her jumper and hanging with the dogs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Check out my hat!

Thanks to Grandpa Thwing, I'm a lifetime NRA member.

Thank you Grandpa!

Cristy W.

Daddy's little Navy Girl

Hi Daddy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010