Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tiny Tummy

So here we are, still at the hospital. Juliet is doing much better -
her appetite is back and her fever is down. Now we're just waiting to
see if and when we can go home.

Everyone here has taken great care of us and I'm so greatful for that,
however after three days of each different nurse lecturing me on what
I should or shouldn't be doing, my patience is wearing thin.

I know I'm a new mom and all but I've had no trouble breastfeeding for
the last five weeks so while I appreciate the concern, for the tenth
time, no I don't need to see a lactation consultant, and I WILL use a
pacifier if I want to.

We didn't get much sleep last night but daddy came really early so I
could nap and then shower. So I'm still tired but at least I'm clean
and no longer smell of baby puke.....for now :)

These are the times I really wish I could hit the starbucks downstairs
or the little store for a redbull to pick me up. But alas, no cafiene
while breastfeeding so it's yummy water for me.

Well I'm off to take some Advil for my neck and back. The "sleeper"
they have here is more like a midevil torture divice and when this is
all over, I see a mommy prescription foe a massage and chiropractor!

Thanks to everyone for your well wishes and I'll keep you posted.

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