Sunday, October 18, 2009


Ahhh, finally made it home. Here's Juliet all showered clean in a nice
fresh pair of jammies resting comfortably.

We had such a great trip visiting Grandma and Grandpa. I know Juliet's
going to miss them so much and we will too. Thanks for everything Mom
& Dad!

We were really worried about how she would do traveling, but she was a
champ. She slept most of the time and ate when she was awake. A few
times as we were waiting to get off the plane she hammed it up for the
passengers around us and they kept saying how good she was and how
cute she is. Makes a parent proud :)

The only hiccup we had was on the last leg of our trip-our flight was
an hour and a half. We changed Juliet right before we boarded but the
second I sat down and got situated, there was a major diaper
explosion......major! That was not fun as the rest of the flight both
Juliet and I were wet.

We made it home safe and sound and were greeted by our three crazy
dogs and one frenzied cat. A huge thanks to my brother Jeremy for
taking care of things while we were gone.

Well Now it's time to get back into the swing of things and do fun
stuff like unpack. Fun, fun.

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