Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fun, fun, fun



Our house at night is like a Star Wars drive in movie theater.
Halloween rocks.


This is so cool! Allen made this costume and the helmet which even
has the microphone inside.
"There's one, set for stun"

A Wallis Halloween!

It's the great pumpkin!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Our Girl

So pretty.......

NOT the baby

The cat just found the Boppy chair and refuses to get out. I had to
throw her out five times before I could get Jiliet in.

Fabric store

Here's West and Juliet at the fabric store. Probably their last outing
together for awhile since I go back to work on Monday :(

No maryjanes

No Maryjane socks today, sneaker socks instead.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Stormtrooper on training.




Now that is one KICK-ASS costume!!!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Force

The force is strong with this one.......

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Finally Done

Boppy Rocks!

Boppy Chair

Mom & Dad are awesome and sent us the Boppy chair they had gotten for
Juliet while we were in Vegas.

There weren't too many pieces But for some reason it still took me two
hours to put together. Juliet was already asleep by the time I
finished it. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!


Here is the downstairs baby area or "DFZ" for Dog Free Zone. This is
the room Heather helped me clean yesterday. Space is nice.

Breathing Room

I would show the before picture of my dining room but it would be too
embarassing. Instead I'm just showing how nice it looks after the
major overhaul. Tomorrow is the kitchen.....

Two babies

Juliet and West chilling while Heather helps me get my house organized
and clean before going back to work.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Juliet and West

Heather dropped by this morning with West and we noticed their outfits
kind of match. They are so cute together!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

She's a maniac...maniac....

Baby leg warmers,like totally tripendicular!

Corrie & Juliet

This is such a great picture of Corrie holding Juliet. How pretty are
both of these girls!

Aunt Cristy & Corrie

Baby Whisperer

Uncle Jeremy knows how to get a baby to sleep.

Uncle Jerm

Cuddling Juliet

Morning nap

Thank goodness for the morning nap so we can get a few chores done......

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

She tried as hard as she could to stay awake but was no match for the
rocking stroller.

You might notice that she is wearing a different onsie in this pic.
That would be because there was a MAJOR explosion that had to be dealt
with. Thank goodness I had extra clothes in the diaper bag.

As for the other onsie......let's just say that things were so bad
that it had to take one for the team and be sacrificed......never to
be seen again, lol.

Lady in Waiting

Juliet is trying to be patient while at the car dealership. She was
such a good girl all day, and it was a long day for all of us.

Oh and as of today, Juliet is TWO MONTHS OLD! Time really does fly
when your having fun and enjoying life.

Racer Red!

My car is about to die so Allen and I have been scouting out a new car
for him and I the get his car (the Saturn SUV). We checked out four
door jeeps and two door Jeeps and decided on this slick two door
extended cab.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My two loves

What are YOU looking at?

Daddy's Girl

Grumpy Pants

Feeling a little grumpy tonight, even in her sleep.

This is what happens to bad dogs in our house

With a baby in the house, the dogs are no longer alowed on the couch.
Two of the dogs have no problem with of them refuses to
obey and every time we come home, I can tell that he's been a bad
dog. I read somewhere that putting tin foil on the furniture would
detour pets from getting on the furniture. Tonight we went out and I
put it to the test. When we got back I could tell it hadn't worked so
we decided to ensure the one "bad" dog really hates the foil.

After tonight we'll try it again and see how it goes.......wish us luck.

Baby West

Juliet and I went to visit our friend Heather and Baby West today. We
brought them the tux onsie and little cap that we got for them in
Vegas. From the smile on his face, I think he digs it.

Dire Straits

As I was getting ready this morning Juliet was in her bouncy chair
chilling out until Money for Nothing came on the radio. Her legs and
arms started going.....good to know she already has good taste in music!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Her first car repair with mom

Having an issue with my clutch cable, so Juliet and I are now chilling
at my car repair place. Always a fun way to spend the morning.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lunch date

All dressed up and headed to lunch with moms work pals.

What a smile!

I love being able to make her smile. Melts my heart.


Who is the best baby in the whole wide world that let her mom sleep
all night long last night.........this girl!

Whoo-Hooooo, Juliet ROCKS!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sleeping now....

Working on getting Juliet back on a schedule.....we were up all night
last night, but of course she's out cold now! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hi Baby

Here's Kisa saying hi to Juliet.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Daddy's Girl

Happy in Daddys arms.


Ahhh, finally made it home. Here's Juliet all showered clean in a nice
fresh pair of jammies resting comfortably.

We had such a great trip visiting Grandma and Grandpa. I know Juliet's
going to miss them so much and we will too. Thanks for everything Mom
& Dad!

We were really worried about how she would do traveling, but she was a
champ. She slept most of the time and ate when she was awake. A few
times as we were waiting to get off the plane she hammed it up for the
passengers around us and they kept saying how good she was and how
cute she is. Makes a parent proud :)

The only hiccup we had was on the last leg of our trip-our flight was
an hour and a half. We changed Juliet right before we boarded but the
second I sat down and got situated, there was a major diaper
explosion......major! That was not fun as the rest of the flight both
Juliet and I were wet.

We made it home safe and sound and were greeted by our three crazy
dogs and one frenzied cat. A huge thanks to my brother Jeremy for
taking care of things while we were gone.

Well Now it's time to get back into the swing of things and do fun
stuff like unpack. Fun, fun.


We needed a food break but of course that's when Juliet decides she's
hungry too. Allen stacked her blankets so her bottle would rest where
she could nibble on it and she was a happy girl.

Quiet Baby

Here's daddy keeping Juliet quiet during the flight. She did really
well and all the other passengers were very impressed.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Airport Gear

Juliet all bundled up and ready to fly.

Early morning cuddle

We had to leave the house this morning around 4:00am. Here's Grandpa
and Juliet enjoying one last cuddle before we go.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Baby Alive

Proud Grandpa

Enjoying some rime together.

Grandma & Grandpa

Here's grandma and grandpa having fun with Juliet in her little
airplane overalls. What a happy family :)


Working on getting packed up for tomorrows early flight. After packing
all of Juliets things, there's not much room left for mine........


Not super drastic but a nice lighter change. I like it!

Want a good laugh? Here you go.....

So right before we came to Vegas last week I got the ok from my Dr. to
start working out. Thank goodness! However, Vegas is not exactly the
place to start a diet (too many buffets and reastaurants to enjoy). So
the second we hit ground in Virginia my post-baby diet & workout goes
into effect. To get me motivated and feeling good, I decided it would
be fun to get my hair done. So here I am at the salon looking oh-so-
lovely. Hopefully the outcome will be great and I'll post an after
picture. If it turnes out bad.....well then there will be no after
pic. Wish me luck :)

Good Morning!

Chilling while mom and grandma spend their last day shopping. We leave
back to Virginia tomorrow morning.

Thursday, October 15, 2009