Friday, September 9, 2011

More Couponing

I'm trying hard to save money utilizing coupons so I wanted to share my latest round of purchases. (I really want to show everything that I buy so if you have delicate sensibilities, don't look at the picture, actually just stop reading this post right now.)

Tonight a friend and I decided to see how we would fair using coupons shopping at the base commissary. Some things are definitely worth getting at the regular store but some things were really worth picking up here.

Noteworthy purchases:
1. Deodorant- Ban .50 each
2. Deodorant - Sure .05
3. Tampons - .02 each (um, score!)
4. Bic razors - 1.25
.....the other stuff was good too but those were the best deals. All in all I spent $16.06 for all shown.


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