Friday, September 30, 2011

Walk, twirl, run

Juliet didn't just want to walk this morning. She wanted to walk, run, twirl & jump! I wish I had half her energy ;)

Listen & Look

Juliet was listening to the bugs this morning and pointing out all the big clouds.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday. Need I say more.....

Socks & Shoes

Juliet did so great today. She put her own socks & shoes on. At one point she tried putting both socks on the same foot but she got it right. Then she got both shoes on and on the right feet.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's Broken!

Juliet was pointing the moon out to me this morning. It was just a little sliver so she kept saying, "the moon, it's broken".

I kept telling her it wasn't broken but she was sure it was and sat down to keep looking at it while finishing off the cinnamon & sugar toast Daddy made for her.

Miss Juliet & Mr West

West came over last night so his parents could go out and enjoy a nice anniversary dinner. They had so much fun together including a wagon ride around the cul-de-sac.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yes please!


Here's Juliet out back chilling out. Can't beat time with Daddy, relaxing with your feet up, munching on cheese puffs.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pet Store Fun

Made a trip to the pet store this weekend. Juliet loved seeing all the animals, especially the fishes. Here she is enjoying the birds.


YUMMY! Need I say more....

Corrie & Juliet

Corrie pushing Juliet on the swings at the park over the weekend.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ahhhh Saturday Morning....

Juliet with a chocolate donut. She put her feet up to enjoy with a nice cold cup of milk.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bye Daddy

Juliet to Daddy:
"bye Daddy"
"I love you"
"have a good day"
"have fun"
So cute!

I am so excited to report that Juliet's daycare has a new little girl named Kate. She's 2 1/2 and Juliet and her get along like peas & carrots.

When I dropped her off this morning Kate rushed over, they hugged and kissed then ran off to play (forget saying bye to Mommy after that, lol).

All of our friends with children have boys and until now all the other kids at daycare were boys. This is the first time Juliet's had a little girl around her age to play with and I am ecstatic!

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Awake Now

Juliet was more awake and off trying to chase a squirrel. Then she was very excited when she noticed she could still see the moon.

Where's Juliet?

Someone was really tired and kept hiding under the fuzzy blanket.