Monday, August 15, 2011


Dear Great Grandma Shattuck,
To celebrate your birthday Mommy made me a cupcake. It was sooooo yummy.

I wish I were there to give you a great big hug! I hope you have a really fun birthday.

Big Hugs & Kisses,

*Happy Birthday Grandma! Thank you for being such a wonderful Grandma all these years to all of us and an amazing Great Grandma too. We are so lucky to call you ours! I hope you have an amazing birthday and do something fun and crazy. Heck, you only turn 85 once! LIVE IT UP, you've earned it and deserve it!

Cheers to you and all you do for others. SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AND MANY MANY MORE!

Lots and lots of love,
Cristy, Allen & Juliet

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