Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Playing with the train set at our local bookstore.

Little Artist

Having fun drawing with crayons.

Monday, May 30, 2011


After hitting up the petting zoo yesterday, we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for lunch. Juliet was so hot & tired that she just relaxed, cooled off and drew with crayons. It was a great time.


While we were cooking, I caught Juliet up in Daddy's chair with his phone having a little conversation.

Awesome dinner!

Allen BBQ'd up some steak and I deep fried some potatoes for Alex's first big dinner. Yum, yum!

Already warming up.....

The rain stopped and it's heating up already.

Rain, rain, let's go play.......

We had a quick downpour on Saturday so Juliet and I splashed around.

Alex is here!

Alex got in this weekend and Juliet is smitten with her older brother. Here she is sharing her pancakes with him.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Friday

Sorry, no pics today. Allen's on his way to pick up Alex and I've got a crazy day going. Check back tomorrow though for pics of Alex's arrival. YAY!


Cristy W.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cute....and then.....

Looking cuter....then asking for my phone because she's had enough.

"Ok Mom, just give me the phone, nice and slow and no one gets hurt"


Juliet was looking cute today. She was in an interesting mood which made for some great photo shots.

Here she is looking super cute.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Busy Day

It's a busy day in downtown Norfolk. I came back from lunch to see this docked across the street from my building.

Mow, mow, mow your boat...

Juliet found the bubble mower this morning and immediately went to work on mowing over toys and the driveway.

Who needs grass anyways?

Old fashioned fun

Last night before bedtime, we went and played in the yard for a bit. While Mommy got eaten alive by mosquitos, Juliet played in the sprinkler and pushed around her bubble lawn mower.

I think these are some of my favorite pictures.

Mmmm mmm mmmm

Enjoying a cool banana smoothie.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Umm, ok

Juliet got all cozy in this bin, then proceeded to use newspaper for a blanket. A nap and some light reading, way to multi-task!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Who needs coffee?

When you've got a cup of sunshine like this!
Ok, I do need my coffee but when I get this kind of smile on a Friday morning, how could I have a bad day :)

Smart Girl

Juliet pulled her little chair right up to the coffee table to eat her snack. Smart girl!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Thursday

Hey look!

"Hey, what's this?"

"Look Mommy, it's a rock!"

"NO - you can't have it!"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Funny Face

Juliet was laughing at me as I was singing to her this morning. She makes it very well known to me that she does NOT like Mommy's singing. There's usually a lot of "no, no, no, no's" and screaming involved till I stop.