Monday, November 1, 2010

Melts your heart....

Last night, one of our first trick-or-treaters was a little boy (maybe 4) dressed as Darth Vader. He was amazed at seeing a life size Storm Trooper right in front of him and after I gave him candy softly said, "Thank you Princess Leia".

His parents asked if they could take our picture with him and we happily said yes.

As they were leaving they couldn't get his little plastic Lightsaber to work. Allen stopped them (in full Stormtrooper voice) and said, "Hold on a minute, I have something for you."

He reached into R2D2 and pulled out a life-size red Lightsaber and handed it to Darth Vader. He was so happy he could barely say anything and squeaked out a thank you. Darth and his family thanked us and waved to us all the way down they drive as we called out, "Happy Halloween, May the Force Be With You".

We knew it had made his night and that was pretty cool.

Later that night after we had packed it in and were resting on the couch, there was a knock at the door. Allen went to answer it and came back with a grin on his face. He handed me an envelope that contained a card and photo. We scanned them below to share.

It was a pretty cool Halloween :)

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