Thursday, September 30, 2010

Walking Tall

They're little steps but getting more frequent....yeah!

Stand Alone

Juliet's getting so good at standing up by herself for long periods of time.


Hey all,
Sorry I haven't had more pictures to share lately. It's been a crazy week and the weather had been terrible, really terrible. It's been raining so much it's dark in the morning and dark when we get home making it hard to take pictures (no flash on phone). Keep checking back, I hope to have more real soon.

Cristy W.

Playing Nice

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Juliet's new laptop

Playing with her new baby-laptop.

I thought she would like this since she's always very interested in Daddy's laptop. For now, she's more interesting in opening and closing it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Friday

These aren't the sharpest pictures but she looked so cute I still had to share.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

For Fun

Happy Anniversary Grandma & Grandpa!

If I'm not mistaken, my Mom & Dad have been married for 39 years! Yes, that's 3-9 years.

Not many people these days can say that and it's so awesome that you can. I love you both very much and hope you have a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sweet Swinging!

A day at the park

We had such a fun morning, we all walked to the park down the street and enjoyed the swings. Juliet also went down the little slide for the first time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another Pick

At a different garage sale I found these baby Nike shoes. Good shape, cute & slip-on. I couldn't find them online but Picked at $3.00, a great deal.

American Pickers

Any of you out there watch American Pickers on the History Channel? I'm totally addicted to it right now! For those of you that don't watch, or don't have cable (you know who you are ;) I'll try to summarize the show.

Two guys travel through outskirt areas of different states in a van. When they see a property with rusted cars in front, and piles of junk all over they stop and knock on the door. The idea is that many of these people have hidden treasures buried in all that stuff. Rusted old bikes from the turn of the century, a frame from the first Harley ever made, old advertising signs, etc.

So they "Pick" things they think are worth money, get the owners to sell at a low or deceit price and resell them for a profit. It's very interesting to see what kind of things they come across and sometimes how much it turns out to be worth. A really cool, fun, wholesome show that also provides a few lessons in American History along the way.

So this morning I went out to a few garage sales while Juliet was taking her morning nap. I didn't find any of the specific items I was looking for but I did find these cute pink Air Jordan high-tops. I've seen how much baby shoes like this sell for in the stores and there is NO WAY I would pay those prices. However, at a garage sale......

Air Jordan Retro Kids Valentines Day High-Tops

Picked at Garage Sale - $1.00
Original Retail Price (2008) - $79.99

Can you believe it! Now that's a great pick!

Mall Hopping

Juliet and I spent some time at the mall today. Here we are in the food court taking a quick break.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Off to Daycare

Juliet likes to hook her foot with this toy, but the becomes super upset when she can't get her foot unhooked.
It usually goes something like, "Lalalala-freakout-lalalalala".

My Daddy is so Handsome!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not too shabby....

We finally got around to taking down the extra large corral, I mean baby gate that encased our living room. Juliet's on the verge of walking and needs more space but we weren't sure how we were going to keep her from getting into the DVD towers.

I ended up duct taping large pieces of cardboard together and covering it with a pretty contact paper. Not the best picture here, but it worked great and doesn't look half bad.

Tuckered Out

I love the curls that are showing up in Juliet's hair as it gets longer.

Outdoor Play

The weather has been great lately so we've been trying to spend more time in the yard.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two Babies = Chaos

Today I applaud all Mom's out there who handle more than one child at a time. We watched baby West last night and got a big'ol taste of what you go through, and chaos is an understatement.

We love West and really enjoy watching him, and thankfully Juliet goes to sleep around 6:00 so once she went down things were a little calmer.

Here's West after he crawled into a box to eat some Cheerios.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Our little Angel...


Juliet modeling the latest in Daddy-wear!!!

Um, that's new....

Diapers, check!
Wipes, check!
Cat......hmmm, that's new. Looks like Kisa found herself a new nap spot.

Bed Head