Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Times are-a-changin'

Sorry there's no pictures this morning folks.

The transition from Juliet rolling to crawling and now pulling herself
up on everything has been a lightening fast one. No doubt that all you
parents out there are probably nodding your head and laughing at all
that is about to come our way, already knowing the craziness that this
phase includes.

Before, I could leasurly drink my morning coffee and snap pictures of
Juliet sitting in one spot in her pretty outfits before leaving the
house for work. Then it was the joy of leaving her in one spot to
return and find she had scooted/crawled a few feet....awe.

Now, nothing will ever be the same..........."Red team, we have gone

Instead of posing her for pictures, I'm running to grab things I need
as fast as I can because when I return to the room I find that she has
pulled herself up and is now investigating the pretty lights of the
cable box or at the coffee table reaching for that glass of water left
from last night. Yes, things have changed. Opportunities to take
pictures have been replaced by running around like a crazy person,
picking up mushed finger food, spilled drinks, scattered toys and a
lightening fast little crawler.

So I hope to have some new pictures up soon, but bare with me as most
pictures I get if I'm lucky are a blur of ten little toes and a diaper
headed off to explore.

Well, it's off to create a 10-point babyproofing plan..........

Have a grat day everyone.

Cristy W.

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