Thursday, March 18, 2010

Surprise In the Front Yard

So, on the way home today, I saw the first person of the year mowing the lawn... And I dreaded it!!!

That means that soon, my neighbors will be complaining about my front lawn...

So, as I pulled up into the driveway, I took note of how my lawn was doing, and if it needed mowing...
Most of my lawn was dead... Dead dead dead... The floods from this winter probably did it... It was all “squishy” to walk on all winter...

However, there were a few spots of green that were growing... I took a closer look at them, and noticed some of them were quite tall... Up to 8 inches, in fact! Then I looked closer and realized that green wasn’t the typical blade of grass... They were spread out across the yard, but always in groups (10 or so sprouts...). So, I pulled one, and smelled it... Then nibbled it... Then chewed it... Hmmm... Slightly oniony...

Then, I pulled up a group from the roots, and here’s what I found!!!


As a conservative estimate, there are probably about 500-1000 small bulbs like these in my front yard... Better get the recipe book out!!!

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