Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tummy, tummy, tummy!

She was rolling over, holding herself up, and doing baby push-ups.

Tummy time is good time

Feeling pretty good

Tummy Time!

Tonight we worked on some tummy time. We had lots of fun and Juliet
lasted about 10 minutes before crying whic I think is a record.

Let's Roll Mom!

Juliet and I on our way to daycare this morning.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

See my tooth?

You can see Juliet's little tooth in this picture. The one right next
to it is really close to poking out too. Any day now.


But I'll put up with it...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Down For The Count

Juliet and I have been pretty sick this last week so we haven't taken
many pictures. Here's one from the other day when we were home.
Juliet's catching a nap along with Kisa who was keeping us company.

Get Out of Jail Free....

Here's Juliet holding on by herself. She's going to be running around
before we know it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sick Girl

Juliet is still sick so I'm taking her to the Dr. today. Hopefully
it's just a cold and hasnt turned into anything worse.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Gnawing Away

Juliet's still not feeling well, so not many new pics to share. I
think she was definitely feeling the teething tonight-she got ahold of
my hand and started chewing.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Long Day

Our poor baby. Not only is she teething, but woke up with a nasty cold
this morning. It's been a long night and day and hope she's feeling
better by tomorrow or it's off to the Dr.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Surprise In the Front Yard

So, on the way home today, I saw the first person of the year mowing the lawn... And I dreaded it!!!

That means that soon, my neighbors will be complaining about my front lawn...

So, as I pulled up into the driveway, I took note of how my lawn was doing, and if it needed mowing...
Most of my lawn was dead... Dead dead dead... The floods from this winter probably did it... It was all “squishy” to walk on all winter...

However, there were a few spots of green that were growing... I took a closer look at them, and noticed some of them were quite tall... Up to 8 inches, in fact! Then I looked closer and realized that green wasn’t the typical blade of grass... They were spread out across the yard, but always in groups (10 or so sprouts...). So, I pulled one, and smelled it... Then nibbled it... Then chewed it... Hmmm... Slightly oniony...

Then, I pulled up a group from the roots, and here’s what I found!!!


As a conservative estimate, there are probably about 500-1000 small bulbs like these in my front yard... Better get the recipe book out!!!



Rasberries anyone?

Oh yeah, she's blowing rasberries too!

Silly Mommy

Well I tried to get some kind of picture to show everyone that Juliet
has cut her first tooth, but she just laughed at me.

Yup, in the last 12 hours she had her first green beans, her first
sippy cup and now she's cut her first tooth.

She's growing up so fast......

Hmm, what's that?

You wanna take a picture of my new little tooth?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green Beans #2

Green Beans #1

The video was a little long so I broke it up into two because it was
so funny I had to show it all. There might be a little overlap, but I
hope you enjoy.

Sippy Cup

The pediatrician said it was time to see if Juliet would take a sippy
cup. Once I put formula in it, she grabbed on with both hands and
drained that cup in minutes. Bingo.

I can't believe I'm eating this!

Spooning It In

She grabbed the spoon from me wanting to eat herself, but instead
found it to be a better chew toy.

Menu Tonight, Green Beans...Mmmmm

Juliet was more interested in chewing on the cardboard box cover than
the green beans.

Get in my Belly!

Happy St. Patricks Day!

"May the luck of the Irish find you today"

Hmmm? What is that you say? Bouncy?

Here's Juliet playing in her new upstairs pink activity center. It was
supposed to be more "bouncy" but I'm not seeing it. We'll see.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Work, work, work

So I haven't been able to take as many pictures as I'd like lately,
due to a combination of things (mostly being tired from the time
change and lack of fun time -rush, rush, rush). So instead I thought I
would show off my JAK wall at work. It's always changing and being
updated, and no matter what kind of day I have - once I look up at her
little face, I can't help but smile and feel better knowing I'll be
home with her soon.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Too early!

"Mommy, I can't go to daycare, I'm TOO tired and my hair's all messed

Two Tired Girls

This time change thing stinks! We wanna go back to bed.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Free Range

Trying to give Juliet more room to move around in. She's not so
interested yet, but we'll keep trying.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bye Daddy

Have a good day!

Foot & Tooth

Got my foot and teething paci, good to go!


I put Juliet in her activity center this morning before we left the
house. I kept hearing her high pitched squeal and tried to get it on
video. It looks like she's doing it when she sees herself in the mirror.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Slacker Cat

Kisa started wiggling her way under the comforter on the couch to keep
herself warm and I think hide from the dogs. Now her only concern is
being sat on.

Daddy Says.....

Wait, did you say 30?!?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Back Home, back to the grind

I think this morning was the hardest morning since the first time I
took Juliet to daycare. After having such a wonderful week with my
Mom, Aunts, and Grandma, Juliet was not happy just playing in her
chair this morning, she wanted to be held and cuddled. It broke my
heart that I had to get ready for work and then drop her off-and she
let me know very loudly that she was not happy about it either.

Thank you so much to everyone for making our trip so wonderful.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Two sleepy girls on the way home

Southwest Peanuts

Wow, good thing I brought snacks-this is what they give you these days
when you fly.....a small bag of peanuts.

On the way to the airport

She was singing and chewing on my finger and just passed out. So sweet.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Eye to Eye

Last night.....

A last round of drinks on our last night here in Orlando.

Walking and Napping

Juliet took a nap while on our walk today. So cute.