Sunday, July 29, 2012

Carny Artwork

Did I mention that the fair promoter gave me a promo poster. It's super cool - not sure what I'll do with it, but I GOT IT, lol.

Carnival at night

It was small with few rides and most had lights that didn't even work. But Juliet and I didn't care, we had a blast. There were rides perfect for her size, FUNNEL CAKES, WHOO-HOOO and cows, chickens and goats for her to see. The only thing missing was Daddy, and we can't wait to take him next year!

Fun Fair Rides

Fun at the fair

Born to be wild

Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
And whatever comes our way,
Born to be WI-ILD!

Juliet loved the little motorcycle ride. It took me back to my days as a kid in Kodiak riding this same ride at the Annual Crab Festival.

Off to the fair!

We went with our neighbors to a small county fair last night. It was a small fair, but perfect for Juliet to ride some rides, play some games and eat some fun food.

Here's Juliet excitedly waiting for her turn to play the ducky game.

Beautiful Sunset

From our back porch, beautiful

More macaroni

Macaroni Art

These blog posts are a few days old. I was having issues posting pictures so now I'm playing catch-up.

Juliet and I had a fun afternoon making macaroni jewelry. We even made a macaroni princess crown (which was later found to be eaten by one of the dogs:(

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Some days.....

Some days you wear your boots, other days you wear a tutu.

Today, it was a boot & tutu kind of day.

Two cuties

Afternoon fun

Our neighbors came over for a BBQ tonight. Juliet and Emma had a great time eating and playing together.

Princess Juliet