Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Last Post

Well everyone, here is the last post to this blog. I hope you'll bookmark our new blog (link is at the bottom of this post) and continue to follow us on our adventure.

It will take me some time to customize the new blog and really make it ours, so don't be surprised if it randomly looks different from day to day till I get it just right.

Thanks everyone and see you in the country :)


Allen, Cristy & Juliet

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Blog issues

Looks like I having some issues posting to the blog. I just noticed my last two posts didn't go through. I'm working to fix it so you might see some identical posts, etc.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Clean Teeth!

Juliet was so excited about getting up in the big chair. Our awesome Hygienist talked to her about everything and she was ready to go!


Juliet had her first Dentist appointment today. We've been talking about it for days and doing pretend exams (getting her used to saying Ahhhhhhhh).

By the time we got to the office she was not happy she had to wait, she was ready to see the tooth Dr. NOW!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


After all of that Mommy needed some food. I decided to celebrate this fall day with grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. The best part, JULIET ACTUALLY ATE IT! WHOOO-HOOOOO!


Almost there and Juliet's toddler steam wore out and next thing I hear between my own huffing and puffing is Juliet saying, "carrrrrry meeeeeee, I can't walk anyyyyyyyyyyy moooooooore".

Home again, home again....

Time to head back home and I was wishing I had the energy of a 3 year old. Juliet left me in the dust....then stopped to wait for me....then sat down while I partially recovered from catching up to her, lol. (guess I need to be taking these stairs more often :)

Our slice of heaven

Since the weather is cooler I decided it would be fun for us to walk down to the river. Sadie was quick to run down the stairs and then into the water. We just enjoyed the view and talked about how much fun we're going to have at the river when Daddy gets home SOON!

It's amazing to see all the trees around us slowly change color bringing us into fall.

Outside Enjoying the Cool Weather

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello Goats!

Since the weather is cooling off I'm trying to make sure Juliet and I spend more time outside.

Juliet agreed to go feed the goats with me as long as she could wear her Cinderella dress. Done. (but I refused her request to wear her Cinderella slipper shoes. When in the animal yard boots are always worn. Safety first :)


Juliet INSISTED on painting my nails a lovely shade of gold. Pleaaaaaassse Mommy, Pleaaaaaassssssse?

How could I resist.

Tired Baby

Non-paper paper towels

I recently saw something like this on Pinterest and thought I would try it.

The idea is to make pretty homemade fabric towels to replace paper towels.

Hopefully by doing this we can reduce our grocery bill by a small amount and reduce the amount of paper waste we throw away.

I have a few more to finish up (making 6) and will then take them to the kitchen to try them out and see if I like using them :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

After Nap

Juliet wanted to dress up like Cinderella after waking up from her nap. I found a blue velvet dress in her closet and she put on what she calls her princess slippers.

I asked if I could take one pretty picture of her as a princess and she said N.O. and proceed to give me her mad face for the next 10 minutes.

Where in the world is Juliet?

Napping UNDER her bed again I see :)

While the kid's away......,

While Juliet was visiting her friend Emma, I did some house cleaning.

One of the things I did was convert Juliet's changing table into a stuffed animal holder and book shelf.

When I showed Juliet what I had done, she told me she didn't like it and to fix it. I explained that she's a big girl now and big girls don't need a changing table.


This is Juliet yesterday being very excited that she gets to go visit her BFF Emma.