Friday, July 29, 2011

Best part of the morning....

And the best part of my morning was when I dropped her off at daycare, as I left told her to have fun, she leaned around the corner and with a huge smile yelled "haf a good day".

That's the stuff that makes the terrible two's worth it!

A good Friday morning

Dealing with the early "terrible two's" has not been fun. Last night Juliet was having a bad night and it was exhausting. So this morning when she was all giggles and smiles, I hurried to make the most of this good mood and snap some photos of the two of us.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Little Curls

I love all the little curls growing out around Juliet's head. I might have to try mini-pigtails again (though it did not go over well the last time I tried).

Let's just keep walking.....

Juliet would just go go go if we didn't have to leave for daycare. We take our morning walk and she always asks to go further. I wish I could fit more time in so we could take a long walk each morning, but there's no coffee strong enough to get me up earlier than we already do.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Um, what'cha doing there?

Our little angel

Before & Afters

I know these pictures aren't the greatest but we're almost done so I had to share.

Almost there.....

A few more little things (hanging the mirror, touch ups, etc) and we are DONE! Whew. It's a long way from the blue underwater bathroom that we started with, but it's turned out really nice.

Before & Afters

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Feeling Spunky!

Juliet was feeling spunky this morning!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Little Miss One Boot

She could only find one and wouldn't let me take it off.

Resting with Teddy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beach Time

We went to the beach over the weekend but Juliet was not in the mood to play. Instead she hung with Daddy and enjoyed some cuddle time.

More Cutie Pie!

Retro Cutie Pie!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hide & Seek

Juliet dent want to get dressed this morning so she dove behind the couch cushions before I could finish & get shoes & socks on. She finally relented and then we headed outside for some cool fresh air before loading up to go to daycare.