Thursday, June 30, 2011


Just gonna sit right down here on the ground to finish my pop-tart.

Tired Girl

Someone was sleepy this morning. Stuck herself between her bunny and Eeyore.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Loves her bench

Someone really loves her bench!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Rain, rain......

Juliet just HAD to go out and play when the rain lightened up.


Why did we even buy a crib?

Miss Bites-A-Lot

Juliet had something I her mouth. I had no idea what it was so I did a finger sweep.....and she bit me.....hard.

No one likes to be fish-hooked but gee-wiz, she drew blood! Ouch.

Monday, Monday......

Eating my hotdog

Friday, June 24, 2011

Do these leggings make my diaper look big?

I love these leggings, she just looks so darn cute!

Morning Air

I asked Juliet to stop so I could take her picture, and even told her to say "Cheese"-and she did!

She looks so cute

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No, no, no

Trying to explain to Juliet that no, she can't pick these flowers or trod upon them.


We've been working on updating the front of the house. We painted the garage doors white (they were blue) and pulled out some bushes under the window & replaced them with mulch & flowers. Juliet is fascinated with the little kitty statue.

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Hangover

Has anyone seen "The Hangover 2"? After our vacation, Allen was starting to look like this guy from the movie, lol.

And when I tried to get a bite....

Well, she won.

MY Ice-cream

Juliet stole my ice cream and refused to give it back!

Three Cousins

Corrie, Katie, Juliet


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cheapest gas we've seen

And we're almost home, lol. Hope it's still this cheap in our area.

Ok, maybe not "Just Married"

Three years ago on June 21st Allen and I got married and took a similar road trip up north. We wrote "Just Married" on the car and found people were especially nice to us (including when you might be caught speeding just a teensy bit).

So because this is an anniversary trip we decided to put it on the car again. We got lots of waves and honks and found that it still helps when caught going a tweeeeensy bit over the speed limit, lol.

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Driving Fadora

Here's Allen on day 1 and right now. The only difference is how tired he is and his beard grew in more.

Road Trip

Touring the towns

Enjoyed looking around some of the smaller towns we went through.

Enjoyed some serious southern BBQ!