Friday, April 29, 2011

What Royal Wedding

While Mommy tries to get ready and catch a little of the Royal Wedding, Juliet decides to start munching on the remote.

Friday fun

Ready to start the day playing!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some mornings.....

Poor little Juliet, sitting on my bed
Mommy left the room and Juliet fell and bumped her head
Everything was fine, though Mommy felt bad
Gave her a kiss and let her cry
She got her paci, funny bunny too
Then gave me a sideways glance that said, "I totally blame you!"

So yeah, it was one of those mornings which means no pictures to share today. Should have some tomorrow-and hoping there won't be a huge bruise in all of them, lol.

Cristy W.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Buzzzz Buzzzzzz

Daddy got Juliet this Bumble Bee pulley toy, and she LOVES it. Taking it and the stick she just found into the car for the ride to daycare.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Let's Play!

It was a nice warm morning and Juliet was ready to play in the dirt.

"Sorry baby, no mudpies this morning."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Off to the park!

After the market we ran a few errands and then headed to the park. Juliet liked the slides but LOVES the swings!

More Farmers Market

Sugar Rush

What we didn't give Juliet in candy for Easter, we made up for in other stuff today. Her first taste of sweet tea, a cookie, some ice cream, some of Daddy's slushee......yup.....sugar rush here we come!

Easter Breakfast

It's a beautiful day today, so we headed over to the Farmers Market to pick out some plants and eat breakfast outdoors.

Here's Juliet helping Daddy pick out what they should have.

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs

Happy Easter


Friday, April 22, 2011

Spooning with Bear

Allen snapped this picture last night. So cute!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Neighbors Yard

Juliet ran into the neighbors yard to look at the flowers. When I told her we had to go, she furrowed her brow, gave me the look and said, "no, no, no, no!". Oh, how they love that word.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I present.....Mr. Jaxson

I had lunch with my friend Kim and her little bundle of joy, Jaxson. He's 3 months old and such a cutie!

Morning Howls

Juliet getting in her morning pre-daycare stroll. The second picture is her howling like the dogs inside (they howl every morning when we leave).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meow, meow.

This is how much Juliet loves cats. She climbed into the berry bushes to sit with the "meow, meow" statue. She just wanted to sit there with it and oat it's head, lol.

Monday, April 18, 2011

What laundry

I did actually get this basket out for laundry, but the second Juliet caught sight of it, she claimed it as hers.

Mission Accomplished

Juliet & I had a zoo play date Sunday morning. I was hoping to wear her out and by the looks of it....mission accomplished!

Home Run

Great Grandma Shattuck hit a home run with this Tigger doll she got Juliet for Christmas. She will carry it from room to room and hit the button to make it bounce and sing. She lights up, claps her hands and always expects us to participate in the sing-a-long....and we always do. Here she is pushing Tigger around in her dolly stroller.

Weekend Update

While I folded laundry, Juliet rested with the cat.